Physical Coordination, I’m your boss now!

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Physical Coordination, I’m your boss now!

(How to) guides on mastering physical coordination


by Zeilver on August 30th

Hello Zeilver here, back again from King George’s Music Academy! 

Today we are bringing to you the fifth installation of a series we like to call- The Knowledge Pearls Initiative (The KPI). 

The KPI would be bite-size knowledge content centered around music, music creation as well as music playing. 

Wish to improve your music knowledge? Wishing to learn more about questions that are rarely explored upon? You have come to the right place. 

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Physical Discoordination: Is this for life?

Ok, for those of you who think this is it.

RELAX, the sky isn’t falling! 

Dyspraxia, which may have been more common amongst children (6-10%), but if you aren’t diagnosed with it, that just means that you can be trained! 

So... to refresh the knowledge on “Dyspraxia” we are going to be taking a casual run back in time:



  • tend to surface in children at an early age. 

  • Psychomotor issues, known as Dyspraxia, occur in 6-10% of children. 

  • Affects small muscle groups, even the one in your hands. 

  • common myth: children with Dyspraxia are just much clumsier. 

Or… you can just read the article here

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Can Physical Discoordination be fixed?

I mean… I don’t really like to write content that doesn't benefit you, the readers, so...

YES! As mentioned earlier, Dyspraxia may be much more common in the population, present in about 6-10% of kids). 

But it mostly identified after a child passes 5 years of age as children vary in their rate of development

Quick test: How to know if you are not suffering from Dyspraxia?

Do you have issues carrying out daily tasks like 

  • Walking up/down stairs?

  • Jumping/running?

  • Getting dressed or even using the toilet?

If your answer is no, then it’s just likely that you are just lacking in physical coordination training and that’s completely trainable. 

< disclaimer: please consult a local physician/doctor if you suspect yourself having Dyspraxia as we aren’t medical professionals >


The Pearls

How do I become the master of my physical coordination?

I, for one, am a firm believer that Music solves and benefits us all in many ways. 

As we have identified that “Physical Discoordination” is a misconception, let’s dive into how you can solve it with Music training !

Learning an instrument

Learning a music instrument is definitely an exhilarating challenge and as we undertake this challenge into improving (and perhaps mastering) physical coordination, I’ll break down 3 types of music instruments and how it can help you. 

What are the different kinds of instruments?

The 3 types of instruments are as follows:

Guitars 🎸 

Guitars are instruments that come with the option of being played while at a standing or sitting position, it tackles coordination and balance issues

How does Guitar playing help with physical coordination?

Guitars, with its varying weight types, can be supported by using a strap which helps to improve on an individual’s balance.

As for the actual playing of the guitar, it requires the development of precise picking and fingering skills, which definitely works on fine coordination of one’s motor skills. 

Pianos 🎹 

The playing of a Piano promotes ambidextrous development as each individual hand are usually playing different sets of notes, with different rhythm/timings. 

How does Piano playing help with physical coordination?

Piano playing certainly helps to develop good posture as well as the strengthening of the core, but that is not all. 

To hit Piano keys and work the pedals, an adequate amount of arm strength as well as endurance would have to be developed; not forgetting leg/foot strength development for the pedals. 

Finally, to strike the keys of the piano with precision requires finger dexterity as well as strength to be developed. 

Drums 🥁 

Drums, or even percussion instruments, grants the freedom to the musician to stand or sit depending on the type of percussion instrument being played. 


Standing: Bongo/Conga Drums

Sitting: Drum Kit

How does Drums playing help with physical coordination?

Playing the drums can be liken to doing a full-body workout! It helps to build strength in one’s core strength, arm strength, leg strength and not forgetting building of stamina and endurance as well!

Fine motor skills may not be require for drums like the Bongo but percussion instruments like the Drum Kit or even the Xylophone, requires the learning of sticking techniques which would help in the development of fine motor skills.

(Random Fact: Drumming may actually help those with motor skills issue learn to control their movements much better)

I hope that you will be reassured with this article that anyone with worries on physical discoordination is able to find solace in music training, and not discourage yourself from being physically discoordinated, when you are just untrained. 

Searching for music classes and unsure where to go for quality music lessons?

Have a look at our: 

Offline Lessons here, or Online Lessons here

Thank you for coming to our KPI this week!

Coming next week: 

How talented am I in music?

Do like and share this content to all your friends and family so that you can remind them that Physical discoordination isn’t untrainable!

Drop a comment in the comment section on any “what if” or “how to” knowledge pearls you would like us to take a crack at!

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